Steve Remilli is the Operations Manager at the McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI) at McMaster University. His primary roles are to engage with industry partners, develop project goals, provide design support and facilitate successful project completion.
We asked some questions to Steve to get to know him better:
If you ran an SME, why would you want to work with SONAMI?
SONAMI provides quick and easy access to a wide range of services or expertise in a relatively close geographical area. When you engage with SONAMI as a network, you effectively gain access to all of the academic partner institutions, which can help expedite project development and execution.
What is your favourite type of SONAMI project?
Ones where the industry partner has a clear goal and is looking to design, build or fabricate a discrete part or assembly. This typically ensures we will be working toward a tangible prototype, and although success is not always guaranteed, the R&D that arises is often very valuable to future work.
What kind of projects are you doing while the pandemic continues?
At McMaster, we shifted a lot of resources into design projects – or research over development. We still have limited access to our facilities, so producing parts and prototypes is still possible but at a slower pace. We have had some very successful design projects that have been a big help to several of our industry partners.
Check out this video in which Steve talks more about how the Manufacturing Research Institute, in partnership with SONAMI, helps SMEs across Southern Ontario 👇