Project Profile: My Active Snacks

Image showing a mix of nuts lying on a table cloth

My Active Snacks is a Toronto-based- snack food start-up expanding the marketing for healthy snack food options.

The challenge

Support with recipe development and ingredient sourcing to develop a tasty snack puff that meets the strict keto diet requirements.

The result

Fanshawe College’s Centre for Research and Innovation (CRI) researcher Josie Olaveson MBA, RSE created recipe formulations for two different flavours of the product. She sourced ingredients that tasted good, met keto requirements, and differentiated the product in a highly competitive market. She also identified a manufacturing process for commercial production.

This project is funded by the Niagara College-led Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation (SONAMI) through Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) contributions.

Source: Fanshawe College’s Centre for Research & Innovation (CRI)